WH&Y authors: Professor Leon Straker
Citation: Leon Straker, Rebecca Abbott, Rachel Collins & Amity Campbell (2014) Evidence-based guidelines for wise use of electronic games by children, Ergonomics, 57:4, 471-489
Electronic games (e-games) are widely used by children, often for substantial durations, yet to date there are no evidence-based guidelines regarding their use. The aim of this paper is to present guidelines for the wise use of e-games by children based on a narrative review of the research. This paper proposes a model of factors that influence child–e-games interaction. It summarises the evidence on positive and negative effects of use of e-games on physical activity and sedentary behaviour, cardio-metabolic health, musculoskeletal health, motor coordination, vision, cognitive development and psychosocial health. Available guidelines and the role of guidelines are discussed. Finally, this information is compiled into a clear set of evidence-based guidelines, about wise use of e-games by children, targeting children, parents, professionals and the e-game industry. These guidelines provide an accessible synthesis of available knowledge and pragmatic guidelines based on e-game specific evidence and related research.
About The Authors
Leon Straker is a John Curtin Distinguished Professor of Physiotherapy, focussed on adolescent behav...