WH&Y authors: Doctor Jennifer Marino
Citation: Bellis E, Li A, Jayasinghe Y, Girling J, Grover S, Peate M*, Marino JL*. (*Joint senior author). 2020. Exploring the unmet needs of parents of adolescent girls with heavy menstrual bleeding and dysmenorrhea: A qualitative study. Journal of Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology. 33(3)271-277
Study Objective: To provide insight into the unmet needs of parents of adolescents with heavy menstrual bleeding or dysmenorrhea, in the context of their daughters’ menstrual concerns.
Design: Qualitative interview study using semi-structured interviews.
Setting: Gynecology outpatient clinic at The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia.
Participants: Parents of adolescent girls with heavy menstrual bleeding or dysmenorrhea recruited from an adolescent gynecology clinic between May and August 2018.
Interventions: In depth, semi-structured interviews with 24 parents whose daughters had heavy menstrual bleeding or dysmenorrhea. Data were analyzed using a grounded theory approach.
Main Outcome Measures: Themes derived from interview transcripts about the supportive care needs of parents.
Results: Thirteen themes emerged in the interviews across 4 areas of need: (1) experiences with healthcare, (2) informational needs, (3) support and acceptance, and (4) financial impacts. Across the interviews, parents identified a need for greater awareness and education among parents and daughters, health professionals, and the broader community.
Conclusion: This research confirmed that parents play a significant role in daughters’ menstrual health care and have a series of unmet needs. Strategies and interventions specifically targeting these parents may be warranted.
About The Authors
Dr Jennifer Marino is a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at th...