Citation: Medlow S, Klineberg E, Jarrett C, Steinbeck K. A systematic review of community-based parenting interventions for adolescents with challenging behaviours. Journal of Adolescence 2016;52:60-71



Parenting skills training is an established means of treating challenging behaviours among young children, but there has been limited research on its efficacy when used to treat challenging adolescent behaviour. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of community-based parenting interventions designed for families with adolescents, as judged in terms of increased knowledge and skills among parents, improvements in adolescent behaviour, and program feasibility within community settings. Results indicated that intervention group parents typically made greater gains than did control group parents on measures of good parenting, with positive flow-on effects to some aspects of challenging adolescent behaviours. Limited evidence suggests that group and individual intervention formats may be equally effective and that there is no advantage to the participation of the target adolescent in the intervention.

About The Authors

  Associate Professor  

Sharon Medlow is an Associate Professor in the Discipline of Child and Adolescent Health at the Univ...


Kate Steinbeck is an endocrinologist and adolescent physician, and Professor and Medical Foundation ...