On Tuesday 26 September at 1pm (AEST), WH&Y is hosting a webinar with clinical researcher Dr Neda Karimi that will explore the most effective ways clinicians can communicate with their adolescent patients.
For many years, Neda has investigated how healthcare providers and their patients interact and communicate. She has looked at the effect of different social factors on that relationship and whether better communication can create superior health outcomes.
In this talk, Neda will provide an update on her study on how adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) connect with their health providers, and how that changes over time.
In particular, she will discuss the development and validation of a checklist aimed at assessing young people’s readiness for independent communication.

About Dr Neda Karimi
Neda is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research and a Conjoint Lecturer at the University of New South Wales. Her research focuses on communication between healthcare providers and consumers, including adolescents and young adults in different health-related contexts such as medical consultations and digital health settings. She is interested in exploring and comparing how different people communicate with each other in these contexts and the association of such variations with social factors as well as health outcomes.