Dr Natasha Armaghanian is a research officer based at the Academic Department of Adolescent Medicine, Children’s Hospital at Westmead. Natasha’s PhD consisted of a series of clinical studies investigating the effect of dietary intervention on states of abnormal glucose metabolism in cystic fibrosis. Having completed her PhD at the Discipline of Child and Adolescent Health at the University of Sydney, Natasha developed a broader interest in Adolescent Health research.
Natasha is also a clinical dietitian by background and has expertise in providing medical nutrition therapy to patients with chronic disease.
Twitter: @tash_arma
Armaghanian N, Brand-Miller JC, Chua E, Hetherington J, Markovic TP, Parameswaran V, Steinbeck KS. Hypoglycaemia in cystic fibrosis during an oral glucose tolerance test. Pediatric Pulmonology (In Press) doi: 10.1002/ppul.2508
Armaghanian N, Atkinson F, Taylor N, Kench A, Brand-Miller JC, Markovic TP, Steinbeck KS. Dietary intake in cystic fibrosis and its role in glucose metabolism. Clinical Nutrition. ?2020;39(8):2495-2500
Armaghanian N, Markovic TP, Brand-Miller JC, Bye PTP, Moriarty CP, Steinbeck KS. Hypoglycaemia in cystic fibrosis: An analysis of a single centre adult cystic fibrosis clinic. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2018;17(4):542-7
Armaghanian N, Brand-Miller JC, Markovic TP, Steinbeck KS. Hypoglycaemia in cystic fibrosis in the absence of diabetes: A systematic review. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2016;15(3):274-84?