Cristyn Davies is a Research Fellow in the Discipline of Child and Adolescent Health, University of Sydney Clinical School, The Children's Hospital at Westmead.
Her areas of expertise include gender and sexuality diversity; LGBT health, discrimination and violence; health equity and human rights; women’s sexual and reproductive health; HPV vaccination; vaccination delivery systems (standard and Micro-projection Array Patch (MAP) technology); qualitative research; Implementation Science and Knowledge Translation.
In 2019, Cristyn was one of two Australians chosen by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to speak at the 41st United Nations Human Rights Council Session in Geneva, Switzerland. She advocated for a human rights based approach to data collection for LGBT people; improved access to culturally safe healthcare for transgender and gender diverse people, including young people; an end to conversion ‘therapy’, and the removal of exemptions that allow religious schools and universities in Australia to discriminate against LGBT students and teachers. She also advocated for action and adequate resourcing to address the high rates of cervical cancer in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.
Cristyn is the recipient of the Health and Wellbeing Award at the 2019 Honour Awards for her research in gender and sexuality diversity in children and adolescents, her service to the community, and her global advocacy.
She is currently involved in a number of research projects covering topics such as adolescent knowledge about HPV vaccination, relationship and sexual health education for children and young people, and the health and wellbeing of gender and sexuality diverse children and young people.
Discover more: Cristyn Davies
Twitter: @cristyn_davies
Robinson, K., Davies, C. (2019). A Sociological Exploration of Childhood Sexuality. In Lamb, S., & Gilbert, J. (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Sexual Development: Childhood and Adolescence, (pp. 54-75). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Davies, C., Skinner, R., Odgers, H., Khut, G., Morrow, A. (2018). The use of mobile and new media technologies in a health intervention about HPV and HPV vaccination in schools. In Liam Grealy, Catherine Driscoll, Anna Hickey-Moody (Eds.), Youth, Technology, Governance, Experience: Adults Understanding Young People, (pp. 175-195). Oxon: Routledge.
Davies, C., Skinner, R., Stoney, T., Marshall, H., Collins, J., Jones, J., Hutton, H., Parrella, A., Cooper, S., McGeechan, K., et al (2017). 'Is it like one of those infectious kind of things?' The importance of educating young people about HPV and HPV vaccination at school. Sex Education, 17(3), 256-275.